Clicking Caravan @ Shinzen Japanese Garden

Clicking Caravan is back! Horn Photo and our models will be at Shinzen Japanese Garden at Woodward Park during golden hour.


Thursday, October 27, 2022
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM PDT


Shinzen Friendship Garden
114 West Audubon Drive
Fresno CA 93270


About This Event

The fun is back! Join us at Clicking Caravan.

There will be plenty to photograph in beautiful Shinzen Japanese Garden during golden hour. We will have models, and provide lighting. Our experts will be nearby if you have any photography questions.

Shinzen Japanese Garden is one of Fresno’s top tourist spots, and for good reason. It is beautiful in all four seasons. So much to see! We featured it in our “Best Places To Photograph”. Check it out:

The folks at Shinzen Japanese Gardens have generously offered to give our customers access to photograph all the beauty of the gardens after their normal operating hours. The lighting should be just right as the sun starts to set.

You will be able to walk around and photograph the landscapes, take wide angle shots of the beautiful landscapes, macro shots of the fine details, or follow our professional models and take stunning portraits. It’s up to you!

At 6:30, we will have a drawing for prizes! If you are registered, your name will automatically be in the drawing!

As always, Clicking Caravan is free. You will need to pay the regular Woodward Park entrance fee.



Horn Photo’s Clicking Caravan Heads to the Lemoore Naval Air Show!

This Clicking Caravan promises to be intense! Join us at the Lemoore Air Show, featuring the legendary Blue Angels!

This is going to be a huge opportunity for amazing photographs.  

There will be much much more than high flying aircrafts to photograph—we will also have models available from 11:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. We will also have reps from Canon, Nikon, Sony, and Panasonic with us to loan out lenses and cameras, including some L-O-N-G lenses! We have six booths at the Air Show to fit all the equipment that will be available.  As always, we will have drawings for some great prizes for those who register in advance.

Speaking of registering, space is limited, so be sure to register today! We always fill up.

Please sign up for each individual attending, so everyone will have an equal opportunity to win in our drawing.  Duplicate names will be eliminated from the drawing.


Clicking Caravan at the Fresno County Historical Museum

Horn Photo took Clicking Caravan to the amazing Fresno County Historical Museum where photo enthusiasts got to enjoy working with professional lighting and models, using iconic Fresno imagery for visual context.

Clicking Caravan rolling through the Fresno County Historical Museum

Clicking Caravan at Fresno County Historical Museum

Clicking Caravan Information Banner

Date and Time

Thursday, August 8, 2019

6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Located at the Fresno County Historical Museum at the Fresno County Fairgrounds
1121 S. Chance Ave
Fresno CA 93702


All the Details

If you have ever been to the Fresno County Historical Museum at the Fairgrounds, you will understand. If you haven’t, you will fall in love with this local treasure that was lovingly put together by Fresno’s biggest fans, and the pillars of our community.

The Fresno County Historical Museum is a source of pride for all Fresnans, but it has to be seen to be appreciated ( ).

Sigma will be present to loan out lenses for the evening. You will want to try different lenses to capture the unique photo opportunities that the museum displays will have to offer.

We challenge you to take photos of items around the museum!

There is an old Mercantile set up with real items from the past. There are artifacts from the Fresno Police Department, Fire Department, Native Americans, cultural groups that make up our population, motorcycles, sports items, and so much more. Expand your photography! Use our lenses and our lighting to get images that you would not normally think to photograph!


Horn Photo will be giving away prizes, but you must register in advance to win a valuable product from Horn Photo! One lucky registrant who attends will win the prize. Others have a chance at winning $50 gift cards at the Fresno County Historical Museum that evening.


The models will pose until 8:15PM, then we will have our drawing for raffle prizes.


Don’t miss out! Register below today! Space is limited. Please sign up for each individual attending, so everyone will have an equal opportunity to win in our drawing. Duplicate names will be eliminated from the drawing.


Clicking Caravan at Clovis Farmer’s Market

Clicking Caravan at Old Town Clovis Farmer's Market
Horn Photo takes Clicking Caravan to the Old Town Clovis farmer’s market!

Spend the first day of summer with us at Old Town Clovis Farmer’s Market!  Clovis is hopping with activity during their seasonal farmer’s market.  In addition to the fresh fruits, vegetables, arts, and crafts, there will be great food, lively music, and our own models!

Representatives from Panasonic Lumix and Tamron will be there to loan out their line of great products and to conduct photo walks through Old Town.

Horn Photo will be set up on Pollasky Avenue.  You can’t miss us!

If you’ve never been to Friday Farmer’s Market in Old Town Clovis, check out their website


Horn Photo will be giving away prizes.  But you must register to win a valuable product from Horn Photo!  Plus Panasonic will be giving away a DMC-GX85KK Take Anywhere Camera worth $800!  These great prizes are for two lucky registrants who attend; plus there’s a chance at winning $50 gift cards for others in attendance at Farmer’s Market that evening.

The models will pose until 8:15PM, then we will have our drawing for raffle prizes.

Don’t miss out! Register today! Space is limited.